Archive for September, 2009


Another Sun Soaked Season, Fades To Grey…

September 29, 2009

So, today I didn’t get to see my boyfriend because he had a school project to work on. I spent my day lazing about my room, alternating between drawing, reading, and using my laptop. I was browsing facebook, and I noticed my friend had been uploading a lot of photos she had edited on picnik. I myself had never used picnik and was curious. After some thought, I decided to make an account. I was amazed. It was better than photoshop. Well… not better, but easier to use. I edited one photo and I think it looks pretty good.

Red eyes = rawr >:D

Yea, that’s me, incase you haven’t figured it out. I know I’m not that great looking, but bear with me here.



September 27, 2009

I learned something today. My boyfriend would much rather be a fatass and eat chocolate that kiss me. That stung. Something funny DID happen though. You see, he was eating almond chocolates. While he had one in his mouth, he just blurted out, ” I like sucking it until only the nut is left.” I missed my opprotunity to say, “That’s what she said.” I was laughing too hard. Oh well.

– ♥ *

Angular Momentum


Lipstick Lullabies

September 26, 2009

If you had a choice between dating a good-looking jerk or a not-so-good-looking nice guy, which would you choose? Most girls, no matter what they say, end up falling for the good-looking jerk. All he has to do is ignore them, give them the cold shoulder, and BAM. They’re head over heels for him. However, the nice guy ends up alone. He may not be the be the greatest looking, and he might have some visual flaws, but those are nothing compared to the other guy. Like, most jerks are shallow. They have no identity and live to look good. Without their looks, I bet more than half of them wouldn’t know what to do with themselves. Even flaws are better than nothing. That’s why you should make sure, BEFORE you fall for that guy, that he HAS something inside him. Most likely it’ll make up for whatever imperfections you see on his outside.

Aaaand now that that’s off my chest, let’s move onto a different topic.

This is a behavioral pattern I’ve noticed within my school, and it relates to a similar patten you can observe in young children. In a kindergarten classroom, when a new toy is introduced, it becomes the new IT item. The stronger, bigger kids get the toy first and once they’re tired with it the smaller, more timid children get to use it. It’s the same in highschool. When a new student is introduced, all the “popular” students get to befriend him/her first. If the new student is sufficiently attractive, they call first dibs on dating the individual. After the “popular” students are finished with the new student, unless he/she is accepted into the “popular group”, he/she is thrown to the “unpopular” students. This is where the new student would have to eventually settle.
Anyways, yea. That was just something I noticed that I had a need to share with the world.



September 25, 2009

I’ve used some images from a webcomic called “xkcd”
None of the material belongs to me and all credit for the images goes to the creator.
Check out the comic at;


But to Me You Were Perfect…

September 25, 2009

Hm… I’m in a little bit of a sad mood today.

Just because of that, I’m gonna write a moody entry today. Normally, I would write about cool, fun things, like butterflies. When you look at a butterfly when there’s a light behind it, it sorta of casts a shadow, but at the same time it looks like it’s glowing. The light just seems to go through their wings… I guess that means butterfly wings are translucent?


Anyways, onto that sad entry.

Do you ever get the feeling like your heart is in someone else’s possession? That’s how I feel right now… but I don’t think I have anyone else’s heart to replace mine. I mean, I’m just the kind of person that can’t place trust in others. I can’t help but doubt everything I hear. If someone says they love me, how do I know if they mean it? “I love you” is just three words. Some people say it as casually as a “hello”.

Something that really got me down today was…. really just a small thing. I was over at my boyfriend’s house, let’s let him remain anonymous, so we’ll call him “A.”. See, before, I wrote him a love letter. In it, I mentioned how whenever he broke an embrace, I felt like a vital piece of me had just been violently ripped away. Within the few days after reading the letter, A. seemed to take my words to heart. He tried constantly to keep in physical contact with me, by holding hands, hugging, etc. However, it seems those words I carefully chose and wrote to him slipped from his mind sometime within the past week. Even today, I’m betting the total amount of time me and A. had physical contact was about… 30 minutes at most. I saw him for 4 hours today. ='(

Oh well… I can’t blame him. It was probably my fault. Maybe I repulse him? Or… I’ll just stop there. I don’t want to be even moodier.




Well, I won’t bore you readers with anymore sap stories. Besides, I’m a little cheered up from listening to all my sad music. Yea, random fact about me; sad music makes me happy. My all time favorite song would have to be Circles by Hollywood Undead.

Here, I’ll finish this entry with some of the lyrics.


I’d give it all just to have, have your eternity.
Cause it’s all that assures me.
It’s worth all that hurts me.

I’d give you my heart,
And I’d let you just hold it.
I’d give you my soul,
But I already sold it.

On that day,
That day I walked away in December.
I will always remember.
I’ll regret it forever.

I remember brown eyes,
So sad and blue skies.
Turned to darkness to night.
I’m so sick of the fight.


Late Nights and Early Parades

September 24, 2009

Well, this is my first post. Hm, I don’t think we’ve been introduced.

(Hi, I’m Erin, nice to meet you.)

Anyways, yea. I’ve never really blogged before. Sorry if I’m not very good at it. I’ll TRY to keep things interesting.


So, today I saw my boyfriend =D

He’s really klutzy, in a cute sorta way. I mean, seriously. On the bus, he bumped into some girl. Then he bumped into a guy. AND when he was getting off the bus, he knocked the same guy’s instrument over. I was waiting for him at the bus stop along with four friends who had wanted to meet him. His face when he came off the bus and saw my friends was PURE GOLD. I swear, his expression was priceless. Maybe it was because of my friends’  piercing gazes and glares, or maybe it was because he expected me to be alone. Either way, the half hour wait at the bus stop was SO worth it. XD